Thursday 4 June 2009

Meeting the Air Ambulance

We were very pleased to be invited by Midlands Air Ambulance to their Cosford base to meet the crew of the helicopter.

The visit took place today. We were joined by Rachael Dawson, our colleague who was injured last year in a serious horse riding accident. She finally had the opportunity to meet and thank crew from the air ambulance that saved her life last year.

In the photo (front row) are Ian Lock (paramedic), Daniel and Rachael Dawson; (by the helicopter) Phil Diaz (doctor), Andy Bowen (pilot), Bryn, Ross, Rachel, Paul and Graham.

We have now collected well in excess of £4,000.

Saturday 30 May 2009

Survivor's Gathering

Last night, the team attended a celebration of the walk at Stafford. It was a great opportunity to see the army again and thank them personally for their support and hospitality during the walk. We also got to see some of the other walkers, in less strenuous conditions. Also attending the event were Deputy Mayor of Stafford, Malcolm Millichap and the Chairman of Staffordshire County Council, Terry Dix.

Everyone was in good spirits, and well recovered from the walk. It was a pity that Ross couldn't make the evening. The team's efforts in starting and completing the walk together were recognised in an award given by the Regiment for the leadership and organisation demonstrated before and during the event.

All in all a great night, including the renowned Gurkha curry.

Thursday 28 May 2009

Thank You All

We are all nursing injuries, mainly to our feet, but wanted to record our appreciation of the support and help we received during the walk.

In no particular order
  • Steve and Bob - Our support team - When we needed lifting you were always there for us, If it were not for your unstinting support we doubt that the challenge would have been completed. Not forgetting Bob's dad who lent the trailer.

  • Russell Edwards, Jerry McGachy and the rest of 22nd Signals Regiment. Of particular note were "Stray", who was always very encouraging and "Tuesday" (we named him that as he was a big guy with a massive chest - it is a reference to a film where there was a similarly sized character "if he says it's Tuesday, it's Tuesday").

  • Neil Crump - for the t-shirts.

  • Rachel Stanley - provider of the tremendous medical kit.

  • The lady in the ice cream boat at Shugborough

  • The folks at the Bridge Inn, Brewood - for the teas and coffees provided.

  • Michelle Ayres at the Cat, Enville - on hearing of the walk and that we had targetted the pub as a meet point for friends and family, she opened it especially for us.

  • Everyone of our colleagues, families and friends who met us on the final day. In particular Sam, Matt, Rachel, Mike, Stella, Cheryl, Ann, Mike, Barbara, Brian, Lorna, Sarah and the lads (I hope I have everybody) who walked with us for part of the day and Mandy for the ice creams. It was truly inspirational to have such support, you made the difference.

I hope I have remembered everybody, apologies if not, blame it on old age and extreme fatigue!

Tuesday 26 May 2009

New Photos Uploaded

Some photos from the walk have been uploaded to Flickr.

Monday 25 May 2009

Day 3 9:00pm The End

We have made it. An emotional end at the end of the Staffordshire Way. One of an elite band to walk the whole of the Way. Some better reflextion in time, it is going dark we're completely exhausted and in extreme pain.

Day 3 - 7:20pm - The Cat Inn, Enville

I'm crying, standing on the street outside the pub. The applause as our team turn into the garden is overwhelming. How the team has coped so far is testament to the character of each person and the wonder of team work.

We are also indebted to the landlady at the pub who opened especially for us after seeing this blog. It wouldn't happen everywhere.

Just three miles to go........

Day 3 5:48pm - Highgate Common

We are completely knackered! It's raining, we're wet and on our last legs. We now expect to be at Enville in 70 minutes.

We will complete but the last 6 miles will be incredibly hard.

Day 3 2:25pm - The Bradshaws

Suffering big time. Had to change shoes and socks because others were too wet. Toes and heals of feet now screaming. 14 miles to go, surely nothing will stop us now?

Day 3 - 1:10pm Codsall

Temperature rising, chances of showers. Brilliant reception from family and colleagues as we came in outside the Station Pub. It has really lifted our mood which had begun to dip with the humid conditions.

Now expecting to finish between 7-8, bodies willing.

Day 3 - 11:15am - Brewood

Much needed break. Cup of char at the Bridge Inn. Even the army wanted us to stay on the canal through the vilage. A democratic vote decided that we were not for taking short cuts. This is our District!

Ross's hips are giving him problems and Bryn was feeling it along the towpath. A calculated decision to stop.for 15 minutes, hope we don't all suffer for it.

Joined by Rachel and Matt for the next section to Codsall, eta 12:45pm.

Day 3 - 10:00am - Lapley

Good section just completed. Clouding over where we are. Obviously very disappointed that it isn't hot and sunny for us today, LOL.

If anyone is hoping to join us we should be at Brewood for 11:00am. We are only taking very short stops as we seize up if we don't keep moving. Try to guage our times accordingly.

Will keep updating as and when possible.

Day 3 - 8:00 am Penkridge

Mile 5 moving well. Other teams have succumbed to the temptation and are staying on some roads rather than keeping to the Staffordshire Way proper Rresisted the temptation of fudge and cakes on stalls at the market.

Day 3 - 6:00 am

Up for an hour, now sitting in the minibus waiting to be bussed over to the Glacial Boulder. Everyone is strapped, bandaged, lubricated and ready to go.

We have a new role in the team, Medic Ross with his magnificent pharmacy for all that ails.

Day 3 - Revelle

Dawn chorus, and then the sounds of human activity, yawns, squeels, f**ts,wails of anguish. Another day in paradise.

Sunday 24 May 2009

Day 3 Captains Briefing

The army have requested that we start earlier tomorrow, to give everybody the best chance of completing the walk. 5.30 am wake up call to start out at 6.00 am!

Day 2 Post post postscript

We have just been advised by Capt Jerry that there advance team has just completed the final days walk. He was told by the fittest member of the 22nd regiment that "it is the hardest thing he has ever done!" Arr h.

We are not expecting a good night's sleep.

Day 2 - one word descriptions for the walk

Rachel - gruelling
Dan - wicked
Ross - relentless
Bryn - punishing
Paul - grinder
Graham - never again (captain's perogative to have a second word)
Bob - pleasurable

Day 2 - Postscript

We have been chatting and, on the basis of our performance over the last two days, it is unlikely that we will hit our suggested timings from the earlier blog.

To help, and if you were hoping to see or walk with us, you can contact our support, Bob on 07968 894660.

Blister repair is on-going. The men's showers are broken but a kind army chef has offered to allow Ross to use her shower! Family and friends have visited this evening, really appreciated by everyone in the team.

Day 2 5:14pm - Cannock Chase

End of the second day. We are all completely kn***ered. Hottest day of the year, sapping all of our energy, causing feet to swell and blisters to form (see picture).

We came in 4th of 10 teams, having started last. Bryn survived, but almost lost his balance when his bad knee gave out one almighty twang.

Wecame across anice cream boat, hats off to Ross for doing the honours.

Day 2 12:54pm - Blithfield Reservoir

The flag with Paul. All going well.

Day 2 - 12:00 pm Abbots Bromley

Mile 12. Bryn leads us in to the Village, brilliant.

Day 2 10:30 am - Hobbs Lane

Mile 9. Everyone still going. Bryn now promoted to 2 sticks but still going. We are now in 5th place due to the army leading 3 groups in the wrong direction!

First stop for 10 minutes.

Day 2 9:30 am - Uttoxeter

Mile 4. Passed 2 teams already due to poor navigation. The only problem is that Dan also made a mistake! Thankfully, it was only for 20 metres before the Captain corrected him.

Bryn struggling, will wait and see how he goes.

Day 2 - 7:30 am Start

Late start! Weather already good, and all signs of being a hot one. We have given the other teams a head start.

Day 2 6:42 - Rocester

Breakfast complete. They say an army marches on its stomach. We have decided to follow this advice.

Everyone has reported in to walk this morning in our team. We found out that the last team finished day 1 at 11:45 pm! Good on you St Georges.

Day 2 4:45am - Rocester

The dawn chorus is in full swing, or is it Bob snoring? It's just one of the problems of camping next to a large lake (and Bob's tent). Note to self - sleeping in a tent has its disadvantages. Come to think of it there don't seem to be any advantages.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Day 1 7:02 pm - Rocester

Sitting in late evening sunshine at the school. 3rd group in (of 10). Final first day distance 33.7 miles. We averaged 3.4 miles while moving but we were stopped for 2 hours. This was mainly due to the awful terrain over much of the route.

Everyone survived the first day, some better than others. No photo, no one yet feels human again.

Signing off.

Day 1 - 4:36 Hawksmoor Estate

Ouch, that hurt! Very difficulties section. Lots of muddy fields.

Day 1 2:00 pm - The Black Lion, Consall Forge

If ever you wouldn't want to use the toilet! Fantastic colour, not. Taking a well justified break at the pub. Great to slow down after suffering a runaway Ross along the river.

Day 1 12:48 - Longsdon

Mile 17. Good progress but for the mud by the canal feeder before Leek. Short stop for removal of pebbles from Paul's boots. Just starting along the Caldon Canal.

Day 1 11:14 am - Dam at Rudyard Lake

Quick stop for ladies toilets. Paul has broken the cane holding our flag. Instant repairs were needed with insulation tape. Dan is becoming even more of a ludite. May have to blog in secret from now on.

Day 1 -10:30 am - Rudyard Lake

Mud, glorious mud. Thankfully we are now moving into a flat section for 10 miles.

Day 1 9:03am - The Cloud

7 miles top of The Cloud. Met Rusell, the organiser. Thanked him for inviting us. One broken stick so far

Day 1 6:45 - Mow Cop

The start. Everyone arrived at the car park. Cold and cloudy but with good indications for better weather. A good spirit amongst the team.

Day 1 - 4:15 am

What time do you call this? Oh well, here goes. It's going to be a very long day!

Friday 22 May 2009

It is finally time to start walking

Wow, what can we say. The sponsorship total now stands at £3,755. A great big thanks to everyone who has sponsored us. A special thanks to Raggy and Mark for their food related fund raising efforts today.

Well, as we sit here writing this blog we are less than 12 hours from the start of the walk. We hope to be able to keep people regular updated on the walk's progress, via the wonders of mobile phones. You might even see the odd picture or two (OK, there won't be too many).

Thank you for all of the good wishes we have received over the last few days. It is truly amazing how much good will has been expressed to the team.

See you in 92 miles and three days.

Rachel, Bryn, Dan, Graham, Paul and Ross, plus Bob and Steve (the support team).

Thursday 21 May 2009

2 Days and counting

The sponsorship has no reached £3,264, with further opportunities to raise more money thanks to Raggy's samosa sale tomorrow and a sweepstake to guess how many steps Rachel and Paul will take over the length of the walk.

We have been told by the army that only 9 teams have so far confirmed their intention to walk. Originally a maximum of 25 teams were going to be allowed.

On the up side is that the weather forecast is now dry and sunny over the weekend; a lot different from the rain and high winds forecast at the beginning of the week.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

3 Days to go - Do you want to join us?

No photos today (did I hear you say thank you?).

Instead an offer to anyone who wants to join us on the final day of the walk. Set out below are the projected times we expect to be passing various points on Monday, as we walk through South Staffordshire. We start from the Glacial Boulder, Chase Road, nr Brocton on Cannock Chase at 7.00 am. We expect to pass through the following villages at the times indicated.

08:30 to 08:40 Stone Cross, Penkridge

11:00 to 11:30 The Bridge Inn, Kiddemore Green Road, Brewood

12:30 to 12:45 The Bull Inn, Codsall

14:40 to 15:10 Post Office Road, Seisdon

17:30 to 18:00 The Cat inn, Enville

Please bear in mind we are not stopping as we pass these points (except where the location is highlighted in bold). We are suggesting that you need to be at the location before the first time mentioned and join us as we come through the village. The times are approximate but they are based on our performances on training walks.

By the way, we have passed the £3,000 barrier today, yippee!

Tuesday 19 May 2009

4 Days to Go

We were visited by an Express and Star photographer today - hopefully there will be an article in Wednesday's edition. The sponsorship total has also passed £2,800. Again many thanks to everyone who has contributed.

Monday 18 May 2009

£2,500 and still going

Wow, what a great few days. Thanks to all of the people who have helped us pass £2,500 in pledges for sponsorship.

We've also received our new "designer" T-shirts, courtesy of Neil at Inkline, thanks a lot, they're great (seen "modelling" the T-shirts are from left to right, Daniel, Rachel, Graham, Bryn and Ross).

Friday 15 May 2009

Sponsorship Passes £2,000

A BIG thanks to all at E-on for sponsoring us to the tune of £500 for the walk. We have now passed £2,000 in sponsorship, with more than a week to go before the event.

We have also just heard from Bryn after he got the results of the X-ray. He has sent the rest of the team the following message.....

"Hi all, I thought you may be interested to know I went to see the quack this morning to get the results of my knee x-ray. The results have shown that there is no bone/joint damage which is good news! The stiffness/pain is therefore muscle tissue related. They have referred me for some physiotherapy on it and this may or may not be before the walk weekend, in some ways I may need it more afterwards! I have walking poles and enough pain killers to stun a rhino so I should be OK.


P.S. Our vice-captain went to the Staffordshire Way meeting at the army camp yesterday, I'm sure she will be writing up a full report! Safe to say I think that what we have done is a lot more than what a lot of other teams have done......"

Friday 8 May 2009

Full Steam Ahead

No walking last weekend. WIth Bryn's condition still undiagnosed the rest of us are all somewhat reticent to carry out any more strenuous training in case something similar happens. It will be another week before Bryn returns to the doctor to find out the results of the x-ray. Instead we have begun to focus on fund-raising for the charity. As I write this we have just cracked the £1,400 barrier and are hoping to raise much more in the fortnight left before the walk. A big thank you for everyone who have contributed so far.

We had a meeting yesterday to discuss arrangements for the event; Rachel will be attending the final pre-meeting with the Army next week and then the final week of preparations will be upon us.

We are hoping that some of our friends and colleagues will walk with us for part of the way on the Bank Holiday Monday as we walk the full length of South Staffordshire. We will be giving further information of our expected timings at various pubs (sorry, I meant villages) as we travel through the District. If you are not doing anything please join us.

More information will be posted in the next two weeks.

Thursday 30 April 2009

Ouch that hurts!!

Medical Update. After the walk at the weekend, Bryn's knee is really sore. Unfortunately, the knee is still swollen and after going to the G.P. Rachel took him to hospital for an X-ray today. We just don't know whether he will be able to take part in the walk. Please keep your fingers crossed that it isn't anything serious and he will be back in training soon.

Monday 27 April 2009

Weekend Tracks added

The routes walked on Saturday and Sunday have now been added to the Flickr account. This also includes the altitude and speed profiles for each day. Check them out via the link below.

Sunday 26 April 2009

1,000,000 steps to Kinver

Another day, 6 walkers still prepared to walk a second day across the Staffordshire Countryside in preparation for the charity event. With 24 miles already under our belts, we all met up on Cannock Chase for the drive back up to Rocester and the start of another walk. Comparison of aches and pain was like an exercise in oneupmanship, but despite this, we were all prepared to put our bodies through a second day of stiles (over 100 according to Paul), farmers fields, tracks and footpaths.

We started out in glorious sunshine and were again blessed with good weather throughout the walk (it's got to rain sometime - let's just hope it isn't at the end of May). We had the obligatory welsh sheepdog join us for part of the walk. We went the wrong way, again obligatory. Ross tried to share his blisters with us - no, please no! There was malt loaf, Kendal mint cake and jelly babies. How would we complete these walks without them?

So almost 50 miles was completed by each walker over the weekend. I am now sitting in front of the computer, my feet ache but the pain is dull compared to the shin splints in my left leg, excruciating. The things we do in the name of charity.

Most of all, what this means is that we have proved to ourselves that we can walk long distances on consecutive days. Three months ago we targeted this weekend for selection of the team for the charity walk. In the end everyone who walked over the weekend, Paul, Dan, Rachel, Bryn, Ross and Graham, will be part of the team for the charity event. Thanks to everyone that helped by ferrying us to Leek and Rocester.

The title of this post reflects the number of steps the team will take to have any chance of completing the challenge.

Saturday 25 April 2009

4 Weeks to Go!

The big weekend of training is upon us. Today we walked from the north end of Rudyard Reservoir down to Rocester, a distance of 24 miles. The weather started dry but we were soon practising putting on (and taking off) waterproofs as the fickle English weather swapped between rain and sunshine during the morning.

We were joined by Mizzy and her new dog, Zac for the first part of the walk. They had kindly transported some of us from Rocester to the start of the walk. Zac was in his element, so much so that he decided to roll on his back in one of the many cow pats that crossed our path!

The walk itself was very scenic, but much more hilly than was expected. The first day of the challenge event, which includes the section walked today, plus the climb and descent of the Cloud, will be very hard.

Now all we have to do is get up tomorrow morning and walk another 24 miles, OUCH!!

Tuesday 21 April 2009

32 Days to go

The biggest weekend of training is just 4 days away. On Saturday we will walk 22 miles from Rudyard Reservoir (nr Leek) to Rocester, returning the next day to walk 24 miles from Rocester to the Glacial Boulder on Cannock Chase. Selection of the team members to complete the walk at the end of May will take place following the weekend.

None of us are sure how we will cope with the riguors of walking these distances on consecutive days. Our previous consecutive day walking was only (only!!) 16 miles on each day. We have come a long way.

Here's hoping for dry weather and good walking.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

New Photos and Maps

I have added more details of our earlier walks, as well as some more photos (thanks to Dave B-P for allowing me to use his photos).

Monday 13 April 2009

New Tracks and Maps

Details of the last few walks have been added to our Flickr site. These include a map of the route taken, altitude, basic statistics and who walked. Click on the images in the slideshow to view the maps.

Sunday 12 April 2009

42 days to go

Training Update - Our first multi day walk.

Taking advantage of the easter weekend we arranged two 16 mile walks on consecutive days. We were all wondering about the accumulative affect of multi day walking on our bodies.

We met at the Fox and Anchor pub at 8.30 a.m on Friday for a "brisk" walk up to Rodbaston, over to Brewood and back. Paul eyed the canal footpath with mild irritation, it seemed that the walks always seemed to involve large sections of either the Staffs and Worcester or Shropshire Union canals. We were all beginning to dream about long stretches of water!!

The walk itself was a 'tour de force'. We completed the 16.4 miles in under 4 and a half hours, at almost 3.7 miles per hour overall. Our best ever speed!! The drinks and food in the pub afterwards were well deserved.

The next day it was off to Highgate Common for the second walk. We were minus one; Dan had 'family' commitments. Rachel, Bryn and I thought it would be 'nice' for Ross and Paul to experience the end of the Staffordshire Way. The weather was interesting; a solid layer of cloud over the West midlands; blue sky over Staffordshire. It was though someone had drawn a line with the edge of the cloud.

We walked passed Llamas, and then it was the climb to Kinver Edge. If we manage to complete the walk, the last section will be a real sting in the tail!

By the time we reached the viewpoint we realised that the proposed route would take more time than we had; The Stoke City supporters had an appointment with Newcastle United at 5.30 pm. OK improvisation needed. We cut short the walk by using lanes but still had the 'pleasure' of the Sheepwalks at the rear of Enville Hall. Ouch, my legs still ache, but what views!

Day 1 Route
Of course I know how to use the self timer on my camera!! (Ross, Bryn, Rachel, Paul, Dan and Graham)

The story so far

An innocent invitation, from the Deputy Chief Executive, asking if anyone was interested in taking a little walk in May!! The Council, as a first responder in the event of civil emergency, was invited to participate in a community engagement event organised by the 22nd Signal Regiment. For our part we were expected to walk for a charity of our choice, collecting a minimum of £100 per walker . We have now chosen to support the Midland Air Ambulance Charity.

If you want to support our efforts please visit our Just Giving webpage and sponsor us. Thank you for your support.

In January 8 colleagues met to discuss the invitation. By the end of the meeting we had agreed we would enter a team for the event. Now for the hard part!!

Training started on Sunday 8th February on a cold, crisp, sunny day, as 9 intrepid walkers met at the Council Offices to walk 8 miles to Brewood and back. The highlight was definitely the drink in the pub at the end of the 2+ hour walk!!

Since then some people have come and gone, but despite the increasing intensity of the training we still have the necessary number of people interested to enter a team. We have now completed two 26 mile walks over the preceding weekends. We are under no illusion as to the enormity of the task, not only to walk 30+ miles on day one, but to follow it up with another 24 miles on day 2 and a whopping 36 miles to complete day 3.