Sunday 12 April 2009

The story so far

An innocent invitation, from the Deputy Chief Executive, asking if anyone was interested in taking a little walk in May!! The Council, as a first responder in the event of civil emergency, was invited to participate in a community engagement event organised by the 22nd Signal Regiment. For our part we were expected to walk for a charity of our choice, collecting a minimum of £100 per walker . We have now chosen to support the Midland Air Ambulance Charity.

If you want to support our efforts please visit our Just Giving webpage and sponsor us. Thank you for your support.

In January 8 colleagues met to discuss the invitation. By the end of the meeting we had agreed we would enter a team for the event. Now for the hard part!!

Training started on Sunday 8th February on a cold, crisp, sunny day, as 9 intrepid walkers met at the Council Offices to walk 8 miles to Brewood and back. The highlight was definitely the drink in the pub at the end of the 2+ hour walk!!

Since then some people have come and gone, but despite the increasing intensity of the training we still have the necessary number of people interested to enter a team. We have now completed two 26 mile walks over the preceding weekends. We are under no illusion as to the enormity of the task, not only to walk 30+ miles on day one, but to follow it up with another 24 miles on day 2 and a whopping 36 miles to complete day 3.

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