Friday 15 May 2009

Sponsorship Passes £2,000

A BIG thanks to all at E-on for sponsoring us to the tune of £500 for the walk. We have now passed £2,000 in sponsorship, with more than a week to go before the event.

We have also just heard from Bryn after he got the results of the X-ray. He has sent the rest of the team the following message.....

"Hi all, I thought you may be interested to know I went to see the quack this morning to get the results of my knee x-ray. The results have shown that there is no bone/joint damage which is good news! The stiffness/pain is therefore muscle tissue related. They have referred me for some physiotherapy on it and this may or may not be before the walk weekend, in some ways I may need it more afterwards! I have walking poles and enough pain killers to stun a rhino so I should be OK.


P.S. Our vice-captain went to the Staffordshire Way meeting at the army camp yesterday, I'm sure she will be writing up a full report! Safe to say I think that what we have done is a lot more than what a lot of other teams have done......"

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