Thursday 28 May 2009

Thank You All

We are all nursing injuries, mainly to our feet, but wanted to record our appreciation of the support and help we received during the walk.

In no particular order
  • Steve and Bob - Our support team - When we needed lifting you were always there for us, If it were not for your unstinting support we doubt that the challenge would have been completed. Not forgetting Bob's dad who lent the trailer.

  • Russell Edwards, Jerry McGachy and the rest of 22nd Signals Regiment. Of particular note were "Stray", who was always very encouraging and "Tuesday" (we named him that as he was a big guy with a massive chest - it is a reference to a film where there was a similarly sized character "if he says it's Tuesday, it's Tuesday").

  • Neil Crump - for the t-shirts.

  • Rachel Stanley - provider of the tremendous medical kit.

  • The lady in the ice cream boat at Shugborough

  • The folks at the Bridge Inn, Brewood - for the teas and coffees provided.

  • Michelle Ayres at the Cat, Enville - on hearing of the walk and that we had targetted the pub as a meet point for friends and family, she opened it especially for us.

  • Everyone of our colleagues, families and friends who met us on the final day. In particular Sam, Matt, Rachel, Mike, Stella, Cheryl, Ann, Mike, Barbara, Brian, Lorna, Sarah and the lads (I hope I have everybody) who walked with us for part of the day and Mandy for the ice creams. It was truly inspirational to have such support, you made the difference.

I hope I have remembered everybody, apologies if not, blame it on old age and extreme fatigue!

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