Friday 8 May 2009

Full Steam Ahead

No walking last weekend. WIth Bryn's condition still undiagnosed the rest of us are all somewhat reticent to carry out any more strenuous training in case something similar happens. It will be another week before Bryn returns to the doctor to find out the results of the x-ray. Instead we have begun to focus on fund-raising for the charity. As I write this we have just cracked the £1,400 barrier and are hoping to raise much more in the fortnight left before the walk. A big thank you for everyone who have contributed so far.

We had a meeting yesterday to discuss arrangements for the event; Rachel will be attending the final pre-meeting with the Army next week and then the final week of preparations will be upon us.

We are hoping that some of our friends and colleagues will walk with us for part of the way on the Bank Holiday Monday as we walk the full length of South Staffordshire. We will be giving further information of our expected timings at various pubs (sorry, I meant villages) as we travel through the District. If you are not doing anything please join us.

More information will be posted in the next two weeks.

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